Glidewell HT™ Implant Healing Abutment 7 mmH - Ø3.0 Implant

Glidewell HT™ Implant Healing Abutment 7 mmH - Ø3.0 Implant

Glidewell HT™ Implant Ø7.0 x 8 mm

Glidewell HT™ Implant Ø7.0 x 8 mm

Product Code: 70-1190-IMP0002
Healing Abutment
Prismatik Dentalcraft, Inc.

Product Description

A Glidewell HT Implant Healing Abutment is delivered post-implant placement to close the implant connection and aid in soft-tissue management during the healing phase. Healing abutments may be delivered immediately (single-stage protocol) or after an initial healing period (two-stage protocol), depending upon implant stability. Healing abutments are precisely machined from titanium alloy. The apical portion of the healing abutment is threaded for integration with the internal cavity of a seated implant. The occlusal surface of the healing abutment contains an instrumentation port compatible with the Glidewell HT Implant Prosthetic Driver. Each healing abutment is specific to the restorative platform of the seated implant.

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